All texts are welcome” is a nice message, for example. Or also: "The right words will find me." (For more examples of empowering thoughts, see my book All I Need Is Inside Me .) Still others are helped by the “know, feel, do” exercise . We ask ourselves for five minutes: “How should the people who read our text feel? What do you want them to know afterwards? What should they do?" Especially when we write marketing texts, we can use these three questions to connect with the people we want to reach. We can empathize with people and thus optimally prepare ourselves for the subsequent writing.
Set the writing intention We can start writing now. But first we collect ourselves briefly and set ourselves a writing intention, e.g "I'm now writing a newsletter in which I talk about X and Y." Now we know exactly which document we are allowed to open and in which direction our thoughts are mobile number list allowed to flow. Step #10: Start writing And finally we start writing. The following applies routine, the easier it will be to write over time. That's why it's so important that the writing routine becomes a habit and, like brushing our teeth, we no longer ask ourselves whether we really feel like it and have time for it today, but just do it.
However, if the writing doesn't work at all one day, does something work that has something to do with writing in the broadest sense? For example: Brainstorm ideas develop concepts Proofread texts or enter them on the website To read The most important thing is that we show up for our (daily) writing date, create good writing conditions and warm up. The rest will come by itself. Return Who can do without social media as a self-employed person? My assessment for all professional groupsmusic for writing March 22 What is your very favorite soundtrack to write? Absolute silence? Quiet street noises you hear through the open window? Or the clatter of dishes and the babble of voices in the cafe.